Canva CBD marijuana oil.

The Best Way to Use CBD Oil

Over the years, cannabis-based products, including CBD oil, have gained in popularity for being extremely helpful in alleviating a wide range of medical conditions. Cannabidiol is recommended for a variety of issues, from relieving pain to treating seizures and soothing anxiety.

Many people wonder about the best way to use CBD oil and how to dose it. There is no one way to dose CBD and choosing the consumption method is a matter of individual preferences and needs.

If you want to find out about the best ways to consume CBD oil, we’re here to help. The final decision on how to use CBD is up to you. However, we want you to learn everything there is to know before you make your choice so that it fits your lifestyle and daily rhythm.

The 4 Most Popular Ways to Use CBD Oil

There are four common methods of consuming cannabidiol oil:

  1. Vaporization, which includes products such as concentrates, CBD isolate, CBD-rich flowers, and vape liquids.
  2. Sublingual consumption of tinctures, CBD oil drops or sprays.
  3. Oral ingestion of edible products (cookies, gummies, chocolate bars, etc.) and CBD capsules.
  4. Topical application of CBD balms, lotions, rubs, lipsticks, creams, ointments, etc.

Keep in mind each method has its benefits and drawbacks and it all comes down to your personal preferences. However, don’t forget about your ultimate goal when consuming cannabidiol – delivering as much of CBD to your system as possible.

Speaking of which, let’s have a brief overview of what bioavailability is and why it matters so much for CBD users.

CBD Oil Bioavailability

The Importance of Bioavailability

The term bioavailability refers to the amount of active ingredients that ends up in your bloodstream after ingestion. Given this, it’s extremely important to know the bioavailability of your CBD product.

When it comes to CBD topicals, these come with literally 0% bioavailability. Yes, there’s no mistake —  you can choose the best and the most expensive CBD cream and the cannabinoid will never reach your bloodstream. It doesn’t mean CBD topicals are not effective at all. In fact, CBD is absorbed by your skin and it can affect the receptors nearby; therefore, these products are recommended for localized relief.

Orally ingested CBD oil scores a bit higher in terms of bioavailability, as it’s between 4% and 20%. Thus, when consuming CBD oil orally, you’re absorbing ⅕ of the ingested dose at maximum, because the cannabinoid must first pass through the digestive system before it ends up in your bloodstream.

Although you may consider it an oral consumption, sublingual use of CBD oil is something slightly different. We all have the sublingual gland, which is a vein under the tongue. When you put CBD there, it can actually get absorbed directly to the bloodstream. Hence the bioavailability rate of 35%.

However, nothing can match the bioavailability offered by vaporizing CBD. The bioavailability of vaped cannabidiol is reported to reach up to 56%. This method beats both oral consumption and sublingual use because when vaporized and inhaled, CBD enters the bloodstream through the lungs providing the effects within minutes after the first inhale.

The Best Way to Use CBD Oil

Now, how to choose the best way to use CBD oil? Although bioavailability should score high on your priority list, don’t forget to take other factors under consideration, such as the type of effects you’d like to experience, the dosage needed and the way to control it, and convenience when consuming CBD.

Ways to Use CBD Oil Vaporization


As far as bioavailability is involved, vaporization is the most efficient method. When inhaling CBD vapor, you’re getting both precious cannabinoids and terpenes along with the vapor straight to your bloodstream.

When vaping CBD, you’re maximizing the efficiency of your cannabis products, as it comes with the highest bioavailability and offers almost immediate effects. Additionally, vaporizing cannabis products allows you to delve into the incredible flavor-and-aroma profile of your vape oils and CBD flowers. One drawback when it comes to vaporizing is the high initial cost that comes with purchasing a vaporizer.

Oral Ingestion

Ingesting CBD orally is by far the most convenient way to use CBD oil. You can choose from CBD gummies, capsules and other edible products that come with a fixed dose of this cannabinoid. However, oral ingestion offers much lower bioavailability when compared to vaporizing.

Sublingual Use

Sublingual CBD comes in various forms, such as sprays, lozenges and, the most popular, oil drops and tinctures.

Although the bioavailability of sublingual cannabidiol reaches only 35%, oils and tinctures come with one great advantage over vaporized CBD – you can control your dosage with greater precision. Once you apply your CBD oil under the tongue, you can swallow it after 30-60 seconds to make sure it gets absorbed, and wait for about 20 minutes to feel the effects.

CBD Oil application

Topical Application

Despite having virtually zero bioavailability, this CBD format can bring quick and localized relief from localized problems. CBD lotions and creams are meant to reach cannabinoid receptors in your skin to help with the problematic area. However, topical CBD must be applied generously so that you can feel the effects. Your skin pores are able to absorb CBD, which means balms and salves with high amounts of cannabidiol make for ideal moisturizers.

The Best Way to Use CBD Oil: Final Thoughts

As you can see, there is no straight answer when someone asks you for the best way to use CBD oil. For CBD newbies, we strongly recommend looking at the bioavailability first, though.

By choosing a highly bioavailable product, not only do you deliver more cannabinoids to your system per application, but you also use less product to achieve the desired results.

If you want to get the most out of your cannabidiol products, consider choosing vaporization, as it also allows you to experience the effects of CBD almost instantly. For the most precise control over CBD dosage, go for sublingual use. If you’re more into ease and convenience, oral products are the way to go.  If, on the other hand, you need something for localized relief, CBD topicals may come in handy.

What’s your favorite way to use CBD oil? Let us know in the comments!

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